registration requirement for guests
According to Austrian registration regulations, all guests are required to register upon arrival at the Urban Boutique Hotel.
Who has to register?
Every guest staying at our hotel must register within 24 hours of arrival at the latest. Registration is considered complete as soon as the following information has been provided: ✔ Name, date of birth, gender ✔ Nationality, country of origin, address with postcode ✔ For foreign guests: type, number, date of issue and issuing authority of the travel document ✔ Signature to confirm the accuracy of the information
Exceptions to the reporting obligation
➡ Families and couples : When one person from the family or household registers and provides the names and dates of birth of the other travellers. ➡ Groups of 8 or more people : Members of a travel group (except the tour guide) do not have to register individually if the tour guide presents and signs a collective list with the required information. This exception only applies to stays of a maximum of 2 weeks .
responsibility of the hotel
Our hotel is obliged to enter the guest in the guest register and to inform our guests about the obligation to register. Should a guest refuse to register, we are legally obliged to report this immediately to the registration authority or the police.
data transfer to authorities
Official bodies have the right to inspect the guest register at any time. If necessary, we must provide written extracts or transmit the data electronically at the request of the authorities.
🔗 Further information on the reporting obligation can be found at: Austrian reporting obligation
We thank you for your understanding and your help!